Alaska Building and Residential Codes

Title 13 of the Alaska Administrative Code, Chapters 50 through 55, includes the 2021 International Building Code (IBC), effective October 28th, 2022. It was adopted by administrative rulemaking by the Alaska State Fire Marshal. Read the Order adopting the changes to Regulations of the Department of Public Safety.

The International Residential Code (IRC) is not adopted statewide, but the 2018 IRC with Alaska Specific Amendments is adopted by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC).

Building Code Compliance Software for Alaska

Plan Analyst code compliance software programs make it easy for building officials, architects and other designers to quickly perform commercial and residential building code plan reviews / code studies.  Plan Analyst for the 2021 IBC and Plan Analyst for the IRC 2018 simplifies the plan review / code study process enabling compliance to specific code years.  

This proven software allows modifications to accommodate local amendments, where applicable.  Users have the ability to add code requirements and to add to the checklist.  Changes can be made permanent by changing the data file using the setup section of Plan Analyst, or specific reports can be edited for special conditions.

Plan Analyst Calculators: Deck – Sign – Beam & Column

Plan Analyst Deck, Sign and Beam & Column Calculators are additional simple and effective design and code review software tools that will quickly become your go-to resources when working on associated tasks.

Users of Plan Analyst in Alaska have included:

City and Borough of JuneauArchitects Alaska
City and Borough of SitkaBroadway Signs
City of FairbanksHultquist Homes, Inc.
City of KenaiJensen Yorba Wall, Inc.
City of KodiakKasilof Boatworks
City of SewardTI-LE-AN Management, Inc.
City of ValdezWHPacific, Inc.

Building and Residential Code Resources in Alaska

Energy Code Compliance Software for Alaska

Visit the U.S. Department of Energy website to see the latest on energy code adoption in Alaska, including the use of COMcheck and REScheck Energy Code compliance software.

COMcheck enables architects, builders, designers, and contractors to determine whether new commercial or high-rise residential buildings, additions, and alterations meet the requirements of the IECC and ASHRAE Standard 90.1.  

REScheck product enables builders, designers, and contractors to determine whether new homes, additions, and alterations meet the requirements of the IECC or a number of state energy codes.

The “Building Codes Assistance Project” provides some information on Alaska’s building energy codes.

FEMA Building Code Adoption Tracking

The FEMA Building Code Adoption Tracking program reports on the status of hazard-resistant building code adoption in each state. Alaska is in FEMA Region 10. Read the 2023 Region 10 fact sheet showing the annual metric of the percent of communities adopting hazard-resistant building codes in Alaska.


American Institute of Architects – AIA Alaska represents architects in the state.  There are just over 500 registered and reciprocal architects in Alaska .

Alaska has several ICC Chapters.

Alaska code adoption status on the ICC website