Building Plan Approval Software
Building plan review software for Architects and Designers. Plan Analyst software will evaluate and check designs, then create complete code compliance and correction reports, in minutes, not hours.
- Architects
- Designers
- Engineers
- Contractors
- DIY Enthusiasts
6 ways Plan Analyst will make your Building Department love you
Produce Complete, Accurate Plan Reviews in Minutes
Plan Analyst eliminates the need to go through the code and identify relevant sections, replaces your code review checklist, and reduces the time it takes to do code studies by hours!
Simple, Form Driven Software
Simply fill out the forms using the information from your plans and Plan Analyst does the rest!
A Consistent, Proven Approach
The form driven approach ensures accurate code studies can be consistently produced by experienced and less experienced staff alike.
Automated Calculations
Plan Analyst automatically does all of the calculations for your specific project based on the formulae and tables in the code.
Experiment With “What If” Scenarios
Determine early on in the design process if code compliance will be an issue for any of your design ideas.
Identify and Fix Compliance Issues to Avoid Delays
Identify and fix compliance issues prior to your appointment with the plan reviewer. Make resubmittals a thing of the past.
Simplifying the Code Review Process
Your Everyday Design Reality
As a designer, you are responsible for ensuring your designs comply with applicable building codes. Ensuring this compliance can be a challenging task during the design process as design changes are made and you need to ensure you are aligned with your local building department.
The manual book-based method of ensuring building code compliance requires a great deal of human involvement and interpretation, which makes the process time-consuming and costly. It can take many hours for designers to determine how different design scenarios impact code compliance. This can markedly reduce your flexibility and flair, and possibly result in a less than optimal design.
With Plan Analyst you can check multiple design options quickly, accurately and with confidence. With the ability to quickly make description changes, you receive instant answers for “what if” questions related to changes to occupancy separations, moving the project on the site, adding sprinklers, etc. The report you generate for your project provides you with the code requirements needed to assure compliance.
How Plan Analyst works
- Fill in the forms to complete the building description.
- Plan Analyst then searches through the code, completing all required time-consuming calculations and creates a code study that includes only the code requirements that apply to the project.
- Create a correction report by reviewing the questions in the correction report section. The questions are customized to include only what is specific to the project. When you have reviewed and answered the prompted questions a correction report is created complete with all verifying code references.
- If you are checking paper plans, you can attach this report to the plans eliminating additional report generation and reducing client code questions.
- If you are checking plans using AutoDesk Design Review, you can simply cut and paste the required corrections from Plan Analyst to the Callouts boxes at the appropriate places on the plan. No paper!
Collaborative Design
- In a collaborative building design environment where there are multiple project participants in a design, it can be even more difficult to keep track of building code compliance. This makes the evaluation process time-consuming, expensive, and error-prone, as the participants often become overwhelmed with a huge volume of project information and design criteria.
- Where the building design does not comply with the building code, the designer may have to meet with other project participants whose designs may impact the code violations, to determine how to modify the design to ensure compliance. This task can often involve multiple people participating in a series of meetings before the desired outcome is achieved. Plan Analyst ensures that code compliance doesn’t become a bottleneck and can be relied upon to provide reliable answers quickly to keep projects on track.